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In this week’s Gabfest, DoubleX editor Hanna Rosin joins staff writer Noreen Malone and DoubleX blogger Bryan Lowder to discuss a new study that suggests homophobic people might be secretly gay, our cultural fascination with celebrity pregnancy and the furious debate over how one should spend one’s workday lunch break.
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Hanna Rosin recommends the novel The Newlywedsby Nell Freudenberger.
Noreen Malone directs you to the second anniversary landing page of, where you can read journalistic gems from the likes of Mark Singer and Scott Eden.
Bryan Lowder implores you to make your own fresh ricotta cheese at home with this recipe from elegance gourmand Ina Garten. And while you’re waiting for the cheese to strain, why not enjoy the fierce dance-anthem stylings of “supermodel of the world” RuPaul on her most recent albums, Championand Glamazon.
Other items discussed in the show:
Daniel Engber’s takedown of the homophobia study in Slate.
Rachel Levy on why you shouldn’t eat lunch at your desk; Rachael Larimore on why you should; and Nathalie Rothschild on why you could just dance instead, at least in Sweden.
Beyonce’s Tumblr page.
“Ýou Oughta Know” by Das Racist.
RuPaul’s Drag Race.